Beer Lid / Viking Helmet
Beer Lid / Viking Helmet
Beer Stein Lid for Bottles Keeps Insects Out of Your Beer
Imagine: You’re sitting outside enjoying the summer weather, your bottle of beer temporarily resting on the railing as you chat with your friends. An adventurous fly crawls its way around the rim of the bottle as you take in the scenery. The fly makes one final journey with a quick dive. You take a deep breath and grab your beer, slowly tipping it back. You get a terrible surprise. Just be happy it wasn’t a bee.
Avoid this disaster scenario!
Pick up a stylish beer stein lid for your bottles of beer and forget about anything getting into your beverage. Simply slide the metal clip just below the lip of the bottle and drop the lid over the rim. The heavy duty clip lasts long, remaining tight around the bottle for many uses. The protruding thumb lever is easily handled and lifts easily.
The snug fit keeps everything out, and your beer is safe from inquisitive invaders.
Also available with the Icelandic Code of arms logo