ÍSLENSKIR BRJÓSTDROPAR Hóstamixtúra – Icelandic cough drops
FJALLAGRASA ÍSLENSKIR BRJÓSTDROPAR soothes sore throats. The cough mixture contains polysaccharides that form a thin layer over throat mucosa.
FJALLAGRASA ÍSLENSKIR BRJÓSTDROPAR contains a high proportion of Iceland moss which ensures its extensive effectiveness as in other Iceland moss throat mixtures. Iceland moss consists of soluble fibres, lichenin, isolichenin and lichen acids that soften throat mucosa. The mixture contains menthol and liquorice, known to have antibacterial properties, in addition to Iceland moss.
FJALLAGRASA ÍSLENSKIR BRJÓSTDROPAR contains alcohol and is therefore not suitable for children.

ÍSLENSKIR BRJÓSTDROPAR Hóstamixtúra – Icelandic cough drops
Sale price$13.30 USD