The Horse Roundup / Laufskálarétt - DVD
Horse roundups are uniquely Icelandic. The most popular roundup in the country is called Laufskálarétt in Skagafjord, North West Iceland. Every year around 4.000 people take part with the local farmers - rounding up the horses from their mountain pastures and taking them to the coral for sorting and herding to their respective home pastures.
The unbearable lightness of the Laufskálarétt is a documentary about this special
cultural event, as well as being an ode to the Icelandic horse and the open unspoilt nature that it spends the summer months in.
The documentary was filmed from 2006 to 2011 and shows the horse and the environment during all seasons.
Without a doubt a beautiful film about the Icelandic horse.
A new picture from Árni Gunnarsson, who has already produced the documentaries In Austurdal and Kraftur - the last ride.